Friday, September 29, 2006

It's been awhile since I posted. I've been very busy around the house. Speaking of house, the Congress has gone home. The do-nothing bums have done so much damage to our country, It's hard to believe. Yesterday they voted on torture. Imagine debating torture on the floor of the senate. What a disgrace!! If the Democrats take the House or the Senate, that will breakup the one party rule which has been devastating for our country. The Republicans showed their true colors and how little they think about the middle class or the poor. A change in direction is badly needed for this country. World Can't is planning events all over the country on Oct. 5. The Bush machine must go!!! I actually heard a conservative on the radio today who denounced the Bush regime. He said they weren't conservatives and that they have been bad for the country. I wish I could remember his name. The newest scandal is a congressman Mark Foley who is into sex talk via the computer with 16 year old boys. It hit the airways friday and the guy had admitted himself into rehab for alcoholism by friday night. His career is OVER! May god watch over him.

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