Saturday, November 18, 2006

I am now writing in beta blogger which is quite different the the other blogger format. I don't know if I like it yet. I also started writing in There is a whole lot of things one can do on that website. My blog on that website is I've had a little traffic over there but still none here.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

It is with great joy that I write. The Democrats have taken the House and the Senate. This is just spectacular. Let's see what they do now with the power. The Republicans cannot believe the beating they took. Thank god for our form of government. The entire country spoke up and thru their vote said shape up or we'll ship you out. And that is just what we did. I under estimated the american people. I didn't think they were paying attention and our country would be stolen from us. Bush has desecrated the Constitution, broken the law several times, and allowed torture to take place. He didn't grow up in a country like that. His behaviour has been despicable. Nancy Pelosi, who is to become the first woman Speaker of the House, says that impeachment is not on the table. I don't know if she is unaware of how a lot of people in this country feel about Bush and his thugs, but I'm sure she will be told. All I know is that god is on our side!