Tuesday, December 19, 2006
It has been too long since I wrote here. I was so excited about the election results, I had nothing to complain about, well sort of. The Democrats don't want to hear anything about impeachment. They act like they have a choice instead that it is their duty to impeach Bush. He(Bush) has broken the law several times and arrogantly says he will continue to do so as with the NSA warrantless wiretapping program. How can Clinton be impeached under the rule of law and not Bush? Bush thinks he's the rule of law. Bush must be held accountable!!! I have started reading a report titled "The Human Cost of the War in Iraq", a mortality study, 2002-2006. The study reports ~650,000 Iraqis killed since the war started. What a heart breaker! I can't think of one reason for all those people to have died. So many children were robbed of their futures. Such human waste. God forgive George W. Bush!!! I know I can't!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
I am now writing in beta blogger which is quite different the the other blogger format. I don't know if I like it yet. I also started writing in gather.com. There is a whole lot of things one can do on that website. My blog on that website is angelfire250.gather.com. I've had a little traffic over there but still none here.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
It is with great joy that I write. The Democrats have taken the House and the Senate. This is just spectacular. Let's see what they do now with the power. The Republicans cannot believe the beating they took. Thank god for our form of government. The entire country spoke up and thru their vote said shape up or we'll ship you out. And that is just what we did. I under estimated the american people. I didn't think they were paying attention and our country would be stolen from us. Bush has desecrated the Constitution, broken the law several times, and allowed torture to take place. He didn't grow up in a country like that. His behaviour has been despicable. Nancy Pelosi, who is to become the first woman Speaker of the House, says that impeachment is not on the table. I don't know if she is unaware of how a lot of people in this country feel about Bush and his thugs, but I'm sure she will be told. All I know is that god is on our side!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Twenty-one years ago today my father died. I'm full of anxiety about this coming election. I want the Democrats and Independents to win so badly. I will be such a sore loser if the Republicans win. I must try to stay positive. I am so excited!!!! The Democrats won back the House and the Senate. Unbelievable! An extra good thing is Rumsfeld resigned, finally. It looks like Nancy Pelosi will be the first woman Speaker of the House. Just too good! The first things on her agenda in the first one hundred hours are to raise the minimum wage, rescind the oil subsidies, and get rid of the donut in the prescription bill. This is music to my ears. The Democrats must do something about all the children who don't have health care. It's a disgrace. Thank you dear god!!!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Where is the America I grew up in? Where has it gone? I have always been so proud to be an American but that is not how I am feeling today. The Bush administration and the 109th Congress have done so much damage to our country it is hard to recognize it anymore. Can it be repaired? I have my doubts! I dislike thinking that negative but I would be in denial otherwise. The very worst thing that could happen is the Democrats come into power and pickup where the Republicans left off. I pray that doesn't happen. They've been known to abuse their power also. It just took them a lot longer! This election is very ugly and getting worse. Things are so out of control in Iraq it is very difficult to watch the news every night. Plus, the Taliban are starting to act up in Afghanistan. What a mess Bush and his cronies have made. If we were to withdraw now, Iraq would explode and I mean explode! So many have died already. Thousands of lives thrown away. Dear God help the people in charge stop this madness. What is scary is that they don't know how!!!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Prospects look very good for the Democrats on Nov. 7. That is if they don't do anything stupid and don't let the Republicans rattle them. The Republicans have a lot to contend with plus the Mark Foley scandal. I wonder what the evangelicals think about that scandal? I find it very strange that the evangelicals are very quiet about the Torture law, the thievery, and the bankrupt Republicans in congress. Maybe it's okay for them. Maybe those values and morals don't apply to them. Maybe it is better they shut their mouths! What would they say? The war in Iraq is a total disaster. Every day people are dying and being blownup. The americans don't know who the enemy is. There is some very ugly fighting between the sects. The last numbers I heard about Iraqi dead is 30,000 to 100,000. All those men, women, and children dead. What a disgrace! I am ashamed to be an american.
Friday, September 29, 2006
It's been awhile since I posted. I've been very busy around the house. Speaking of house, the Congress has gone home. The do-nothing bums have done so much damage to our country, It's hard to believe. Yesterday they voted on torture. Imagine debating torture on the floor of the senate. What a disgrace!! If the Democrats take the House or the Senate, that will breakup the one party rule which has been devastating for our country. The Republicans showed their true colors and how little they think about the middle class or the poor. A change in direction is badly needed for this country. World Can't Wait.org is planning events all over the country on Oct. 5. The Bush machine must go!!! I actually heard a conservative on the radio today who denounced the Bush regime. He said they weren't conservatives and that they have been bad for the country. I wish I could remember his name. The newest scandal is a congressman Mark Foley who is into sex talk via the computer with 16 year old boys. It hit the airways friday and the guy had admitted himself into rehab for alcoholism by friday night. His career is OVER! May god watch over him.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
The anniversary of 9/11 will be here tomorrow. Of course the Republicans are all out shouting "terror, terror, terror". It is really quite sickening. Bush has been out everyday comparing Bin Laden to nazis, communists, and of course, terrorists. Bush admitted that we had secret prisons around the world. Something he's been denying all along. The man is a liar. He lies all the time. Osama Bin Laden has made a fool of Bush and his cronies. The Senate Intelligence Committee has released part of the Phase 2 report that discusses the pre-war intelligence and how it was used by Bush. I really want to read that report. 9/11 is now over and it was used by the Republicans for political gain, as usual. Right now Bush is trying to pull a fast one. He is trying to keep torture in for the CIA to use and to not treat the detainees fairly. He just refuses to follow the law even when the Supreme Court tells him what to do. I am really sick to death of his ugly policies and his constant deceit. He has got to go!!!
Sunday, September 03, 2006
I haven't had any time for my blog lately. I've been doing a lot of work around the house. Winter will be hear before you know it. Bah Humbug! Well forget about winter for now. A lot is happening in politics lately. The Republicans have resorted to fascism, nazis, and a whole lot of nonsense that sounds like tough talk. They will say anything! The Democrats have to jump all over the Republicans when they are untruthful. Don't answer the next day or next week. Answer now!!!!! If the Democrats lose this november, our country will be in further jeopardy. They have to win. Bush is putting it on really thick right now. He must have said the word "terror" a thousand times. The fact that there hasn't been another attack here is definitely in his favor. Why no one has attacked here is anybody's guess. But I'm sure it isn't that the country has been made safer. Bin Laden and his sidekick Zawahiri are laughing in our faces. They've been sending many tapes lately. This last one is Bin Laden and his cohorts in the midst of planning the 9/11 attacks. How's that for a slap in the face. I'm reading a book about Bin Laden that says he was quite the carouser as a young man. He drank a great deal and used many a prostitute. Similar to George W.'s youth, wouldn't you say?
Monday, August 21, 2006
I am almost done reading Hostile Takeover by David Sirota. I highly recommend this book, but be prepared to get upset by what you read. It really can, at times, be very depressing. It is hard to believe this stuff is going on in this wonderful country we live in. But it is! It is very sad what some people in power are doing to this country. The media goes right along with them. Rep. John Conyers just released a report on President Bush's outlaw behaviour. He has broken many laws since he took office. Those Republican bandits that pushed relentlessly to impeach President Clinton are awfully quiet. I guess they forgot about the Rule of Law. We heard those 3 words from every Republican that opened their mouth. Their behaviour was a disgrace!
When I started this post I was reading "Hostile Takeover". I have finished it and have started reading a book about Osama bin Laden. Hostle Takeover was a very informative book and had very good ideas for solutions to the problems facing us today. Both parties, but especially the Republicans, have made a mess of this country. So many things need fixing. I don't know if the Democrats will get some power from this election. But if they do, they had better start doing right by the american people. The atmosphere is to kick out whoever is in office, be they Democrat or Republican. The american people are hard to read. When you think they have had enough, they come back for more. The Republicans are using the terrorists are coming, so vote Republican. That has worked in the last 2 elections.
Yet, the Republicans are doing a lousy job on national security. The american people have just not seen that yet. I don't know why not, but they haven't. How do we spread the word?
When I started this post I was reading "Hostile Takeover". I have finished it and have started reading a book about Osama bin Laden. Hostle Takeover was a very informative book and had very good ideas for solutions to the problems facing us today. Both parties, but especially the Republicans, have made a mess of this country. So many things need fixing. I don't know if the Democrats will get some power from this election. But if they do, they had better start doing right by the american people. The atmosphere is to kick out whoever is in office, be they Democrat or Republican. The american people are hard to read. When you think they have had enough, they come back for more. The Republicans are using the terrorists are coming, so vote Republican. That has worked in the last 2 elections.
Yet, the Republicans are doing a lousy job on national security. The american people have just not seen that yet. I don't know why not, but they haven't. How do we spread the word?
Sunday, August 13, 2006
After hearing Ken Mehlman on Meet the Press this morning, I had to get on line right away. The Republicans have a new saying "adapt to win". I assume this is replacing "stay the course". They think we are stupid. We are not stupid obviously. That's why they've changed their slogan. I'm retired and have time to discern their tactics. Americans are so busy working to feed and cloth their families, they don't have the time to pick these lies out and that's what the Republicans count on. Now to Joe Lieberman. He is a disgrace. I heard one of the comics talking about Joe Lieberman say "if I lose the senate race, I'll start my own senate". That says it all. Joe only cares about Joe!
The Republicans have started with the scare tactics. I hope they don't work this time. That idiot, Dick Cheney, says that conservation doesn't work to reduce oil consumption. Could he really be that stupid? The man needs to resign and go home to his ranch in Montana.That way he doesn't do any more damage to this country. Go home Dick. We'll do just fine without you!
The Republicans have started with the scare tactics. I hope they don't work this time. That idiot, Dick Cheney, says that conservation doesn't work to reduce oil consumption. Could he really be that stupid? The man needs to resign and go home to his ranch in Montana.That way he doesn't do any more damage to this country. Go home Dick. We'll do just fine without you!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Corporate America has bought our country with much help from our paid off politicians. What will Corporate America do when we can't buy the goods they are making somewhere in this world? Wages are stagnant, benefits are almost nonexistent, and prices are sky high. The Republicans and the Democrats have sold us out. A third party is desperately needed. Frankly, the Democrats are just slightly better than the Republicans, but everything is relative. The Democrats are supposed to be the party of the people, but are they really? The Republicans are more outfront. They are known as the party of the rich and Corporate America and they are true to form. So many people are patriotically selling America down the river. For instance, Gale Norton, Condoleeza Rice, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush,
Karl Rove, and so forth. Everyone of these people, I'm sure, have no trouble sleeping at night no matter how many children are living in poverty in our country.
I've been called a dreamer and maybe I am. I do what I can for those in need otherwise I wouldn't be able to sleep at night.
Karl Rove, and so forth. Everyone of these people, I'm sure, have no trouble sleeping at night no matter how many children are living in poverty in our country.
I've been called a dreamer and maybe I am. I do what I can for those in need otherwise I wouldn't be able to sleep at night.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
The middle east( Israel, Palestine and Lebanon) are on fire again. The holy land is really hell on earth. Those people continue to kill each other over and over again. It truly is very sad. Many people were caught off guard and Hezbollah is surprising everyone with their arsenal. That whole area is doomed to go on like this until the end of the earth. It seems that jews, black people, and gays are hated by many people. These people cannot accept that we are the products of God
and we are hear to stay. Get over it folks! There are the people who can only survive by feeding their hatred and passing it on to other people. That is why the republicans use the gay agenda to stimulate their base. The oldest trick in the book. But it does seem to work I'm sad to say. Gay people do not spend their time and energy trying to hurt straight people. I would love to hear any stories of gay people hurting straight people in some way. Please write to me if you do and show me corroboration for the story.
and we are hear to stay. Get over it folks! There are the people who can only survive by feeding their hatred and passing it on to other people. That is why the republicans use the gay agenda to stimulate their base. The oldest trick in the book. But it does seem to work I'm sad to say. Gay people do not spend their time and energy trying to hurt straight people. I would love to hear any stories of gay people hurting straight people in some way. Please write to me if you do and show me corroboration for the story.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
It is very difficult keeping up with the Bush regime's lies and conspiracies. From the NLRB to Homeland Security to the White House, something undercover is happening and it doesn't favor the little guy. They spend a lot of time planning on how they will deceive us. And some how or other they get it done. Their advantage is that many americans are so busy just trying to take care of their families that they can't follow what the government is doing. I'm retired and I have a hard time following their actions. They all lie all the time. That is the key to how I follow their actions. Whatever they say I know they will do the opposite. All governments lie sometimes, but this one lies all the time! What can be deceiving is that Bush wears his religion on his sleeve, yet he is an extremely dishonest person. Those of us who have more time must try to help those that don't anyway we can. Normally life can be very difficult, but the Bush regime makes it even more difficult. Most people I know just want a fair chance to take care of their families. That's not asking for a lot, but it is way more than this government would ever think of giving!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
This Bush regime is getting scarier by the day. It has cut 2 million dollars from the EPA budget to eliminate its library services. I feel like I'm living George orwell's book "1984". If the Democrats don't win the 2006 election, this country is in for even bigger problems. There is nothing these people won't do. NOTHING!
The latest Supreme Court decision put Bush in his place, finally! He was told Guantanamo prisoners must be treated according to the Geneva Convention. You remember the Geneva Convention, don't you? Bush and his neocons behavior has been illegal and despicable. History will not look kindly on George W. Bush and it shouldn't. He's been a disgrace representing this country. I hope we can get more people involved in impeaching him. He really needs to be held accountable for his behaviour. I truly hope the american people have had enough of these neocons and elect democrats. They really are the only choice we have. I'd like to throw a bunch of them out too. All these politicians think about themselves first and the rest of us 99th. Maybe, just maybe, the democrats will learn something from this. I don't think they learned anything from Newt Gingrich's Contract with America in 1994. I know republicans align themselves with big business usually, but the Bush regime has been over the top. They really need to go.
The latest Supreme Court decision put Bush in his place, finally! He was told Guantanamo prisoners must be treated according to the Geneva Convention. You remember the Geneva Convention, don't you? Bush and his neocons behavior has been illegal and despicable. History will not look kindly on George W. Bush and it shouldn't. He's been a disgrace representing this country. I hope we can get more people involved in impeaching him. He really needs to be held accountable for his behaviour. I truly hope the american people have had enough of these neocons and elect democrats. They really are the only choice we have. I'd like to throw a bunch of them out too. All these politicians think about themselves first and the rest of us 99th. Maybe, just maybe, the democrats will learn something from this. I don't think they learned anything from Newt Gingrich's Contract with America in 1994. I know republicans align themselves with big business usually, but the Bush regime has been over the top. They really need to go.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Today is July 2, 2006. The Supreme Court has put a wrinkle in the way Bush and his cronies do business. It's about time they were held accountable. Bush thinks he can do whatever he wants because we are at war. No one is above the law whether we are at war or not. The rule of war still prevails. Our democracy is really being tested. So far it hasn't done very well. One party with complete power is no good either. The caliber of the politician in Washington is a disgrace. The place needs to be cleaned out!!! I can't think of one thing that has been done for the middleclass or poor american by this administration or congress. A lot of americans don't see what is going on. They're too busy working or doing their chores to take care of their families. No matter who is in power, they will take care of national security. I actually think the democrats would do a better job. they aren't playing that shill came Bush plays. Tax cuts for the rich and cuts on the social programs and the rest on the deficit. It's really not clever but it does keep americans confused about what is going on. The Bush administration is doing a very, very good job!!!
Friday, June 16, 2006
The republicans pulled a political coup over the democrats today, I think. How congress can play politics with people's lives, I just don't understand. Some of the slimiest people in the world are in the congress. I am ashamed of the people who represent us. What does that say for us as a country? NOT MUCH! Zarqawi was killed this week by 2x500 pound bombs. Of course there were others killed as well. The word is the war so far has cost 350 billion dollars and 2500 american lives, and possibly over 100,00 iraqis dead. All for what? So the war profiteers can fill their coffers with blood money? I know in some ways I am naive, but not about my principles. I know right from wrong and I am not afraid to state it. The republicans say the democrats want to "cut an run" which is not true. The republicans continue to "lie and cheat" and have no guilty conscience about it. I have started reading David Sirota's book "Hostile Takeover". A third party sounds very good right now. The republicans have never been the party of the little guy. The democrats used to be the party for the little guy, but somewhere along the way it lost its way. Who is fighting for the little powerless guy? NO ONE!!!
The state of affairs this country is in is very, very sad. We are no longer respected by the rest of the world. A very great loss! Who in this world will believe what we say? It is going to take a long time to repair the damage Bush and his cronies have done. Our great democracy is slipping away right under our noses!
The state of affairs this country is in is very, very sad. We are no longer respected by the rest of the world. A very great loss! Who in this world will believe what we say? It is going to take a long time to repair the damage Bush and his cronies have done. Our great democracy is slipping away right under our noses!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
I just read Senator Jack Reed's statement, read on the senate floor, on the repeal of the Estate Tax. He is the caring and thoughtful person I thought he was. I am very proud to have him for a senator. There are very few like him around these days. He hasn't forgotten about the little guy. Why is it that too many times the good guys come in last. I have been reading about what went on in Ohio in the 2004 election. Votes were stolen or stifled in so many sneaky, ruthless, and dishonest ways. People like Karl Rove, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, and I could go on are liars, mean-spirited, ruthless, and will do anything to win. They care nothing about the little guy who struggles everyday just to feed and cloth his/her family. The very people government is supposed to help, get no help.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
It is with deep sadness that the democrats will lose this coming election again because they have no plan on how to fight the fear factor installed on a daily basis in the minds of the american people by the Bush administration. It is the lowest tactic they could use, but very effective. The american people have been primed to give up civil liberties if only they are "safe". The american people have forgotten that when you give up something, you usually don't get it back. So many people have died and are still dying for these freedoms that americans are giving up so easily. I wish I could help the democrats with a plan to fight the fear-mongering tactic, but I don't have a plan. I think whoever is president will fight terrorism, probably better than Bush. Bush talks a good game, but there is very little follow thru. It is getting harder and harder for Bush to hide his incompetence. So much is at stake in this next election. Will the evangelical conservatives come out to vote again just to beat down the gays? The gays are no threat to them, but they just don't see that. Do they hate gay people? It certainly looks like it. Gay people mean them no harm. They just want to live their lives and have equal rights like everyone of them. I wish someone would tell me what should happen to the gays and where they should go. Put htem all on a desert island? Put them in their own state? Why can't the evangelicals see the foolishness in these answers? They really need to talk to the gays in their own families. What would they do with a gay family member?
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
I started reading Glen Greenwald's blog and his book today. His book is titled "How Would A Patriot Act?". It is good to read his views on the Bush administration. He thinks they are just as dangerous as I do. I don't know what it is about George W. Bush that makes people have that blind faith trust in him. He is definitely lacking in charisma. I don't think he is bright. He is a perpetual liar. And he has a messianic personality that just doesn't fit his morals. If anyone can explain this loyalty by the people around him, I would love to hear it. I do know he is dangerous because he thinks he is above the law. The republicans would follow him to hell after they raised all that fuss about Clinton and the rule of law. That's all we heard---the rule of law, the rule of law, the rule of law. Notice to all republicans--what happened to the rule of law?
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
There is so much going on in the political scene. I keep hearing "constitutional crisis" about this and that. Lawbreakers are in the news every day. White collar crime is rampant in Washington. So far it has been republicans until this one democratic representative William Jefferson. The FBI invaded his office with a warrant this past weekend. Many in congress are very upset about this action by the FBI. I wish they would get this upset about the government getting our phone records without a warrant and the NSA warrantless spying fiasco. Many people I know are not happy about all this warrantless spying. More to come!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
As the republicans continue to falter, so do the democrats. I honestly must say I don't know what the democrats stand for. I'm retired and I follow the political scene closely. Every time the democrats respond, i think the word "wimps". If the plan is to stay back and let the republicans self-destruct, don't count on it. The country right now is ripe for a third party. The democrats and the republicans have both sold out to corporate interests. The difference is the republicans have out sold the democrats. Right now, no one represents the people, the backbone of this country.
Many americans do not realize what the government is doing and how they are doing it.
Both parents work. They have children to take care of and homes to clean. Our democracy is in trouble and most people are not aware of it. Plus I must not forget 9/11 and the fearmongering since then. Many people are so fearful they're very willing to give up civil rights if it makes them feel safer. Right now I am more afraid of my government than I am of Osama Bin Laden.
Many americans do not realize what the government is doing and how they are doing it.
Both parents work. They have children to take care of and homes to clean. Our democracy is in trouble and most people are not aware of it. Plus I must not forget 9/11 and the fearmongering since then. Many people are so fearful they're very willing to give up civil rights if it makes them feel safer. Right now I am more afraid of my government than I am of Osama Bin Laden.
Monday, May 01, 2006
It is unbelievable how the Bush administration can go day after day without being held accountable. The lies, the torture, so many dead from a contrived war. Bush is not the only one. He would not be able to do all that he has done without the help of the congressional republicans who have their own disgraceful existence. All these politicians put their hand on the bible and pledge allegiance to the constitution not to their political party. These days it seems that party affiliation has won out. Even the press has been corrupted. That is a great loss to our democracy. I hope the bloggers are able to fill in and the truth prevail. The damage Bush and the republicans have done is truly inconceivable, but it is true. I never realized how delicate our democracy is.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Bush starts again only this time it is Iran. The power is really going to his head. He is leaving the american people no choice but to impeach him! Soon! I recently read that he has a messianic mission. That's great. Just what we need! From what I've been reading and hearing on tv, he has many people worried. His incompetence has really been showing. His lawlessness is so blatant that impeachment is getting more and more real. Seymour Hersh's article has really caused a stir. His article talks about nuclear bombs possibly being used on Iran. These are bunker buster nuclear bombs. Bush refuses to take this option off the table. Can you imagine what this action would cause? To even be considering it gives me palpitations. The power Bush has makes him a very dangerous man. I hope that the people who reelected him realize what they have done and are full of regrets. Bush has lied about so many things, it's hard to know what he stands for other than big business. I'm absolutely sure god isn't telling him to use nuclear bombs. Do you think he knows this? God help us!!!
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Well the congress is out of washington and on vacation again. This time for 2 weeks. The big focus before they left was illegal immigration. The bill died in the senate. The other big news was that President Bush gave instructions to leak classified information. The real Bush is finally out to the american people. The man is an incompetent liar. Nothing he says is to be believed. I've just read the comprehensive report that promotes the impeachment of Bush. It can be found on bushcommission.org. A great website.
Now Iran is in the news. Iran and its nuclear ambitions. The Iranians want to talk and Bush doesn't. That ought to work! Five retired generals have come out for Rumsfeld's resignation. Of course Bush will say he is doing a fine job. If he were to fire Rumsfeld, it would reflect on him and he won't admit a mistake. Rumsfeld is a dictator who has bungled his job right from the beginning. He's another know it all. Slowly all their mistakes and lies are being exposed. It's just not fast enough!
Now Iran is in the news. Iran and its nuclear ambitions. The Iranians want to talk and Bush doesn't. That ought to work! Five retired generals have come out for Rumsfeld's resignation. Of course Bush will say he is doing a fine job. If he were to fire Rumsfeld, it would reflect on him and he won't admit a mistake. Rumsfeld is a dictator who has bungled his job right from the beginning. He's another know it all. Slowly all their mistakes and lies are being exposed. It's just not fast enough!
Monday, April 03, 2006
On friday, march 31, 2006, the senate judiciary committee had a hearing on censuring President Bush for spying on americans without warrants. Out of the 8 democrats on the committee, only 2 attended. They were Feingold and Leahy. The other 6 who did not attend were Durbin, Schumer, Feinstein, Kohl, Biden, and Kennedy. After all the president has done and all the complaining by the democrats, for them not to show was a disgrace! Where the democrats stand regarding Bush's illegalities is extremely hard to understand. When Clinton was impeached, if I remember correctly, some democrats voted for it. What Clinton did was nothing compared to how Bush has broken the law. Why aren't the democrats standing with Senator Feingold or Rep. Conyers? The spin surrounding this matter is ridiculous. It is so obvious that Bush broke the FISA law. What I would like to know is who else is he spying on? Bush and his gang would not be able to stop from spying on their adversaries. Just like Nixon spied on the democrats. Senator Cornyn was a nasty ass. His behaviour towards John Dean was disgusting. He should read Dean's book. He might learn something. When the republicans don't have anything to add, they attack and Cornyn was a fine example of that tactic. I thought Senator Specter might be fair, but I guess that was a joke. President Bush must be held accountable for his illegal behaviour. There are no other options!!!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
The democrats need to stand up and fight. Now is the time. No matter what the democrats do, they must always remember the republicans will do anything to win. Karl Rove was a protege of the infamous Lee Atwater who was as cruel as you find them. I myself would not be proud of that but I guess Rove liked what he taught. The dirty tricks that were played on McCain and Cleland in the 2000 election were right out of Atwater's bag of tricks. How McCain could stand next to president Bush and campaign for him is something I will never understand. McCain put his desire to be president before his family good name. It's time to get those republicans out of office. They have done a lousy job for the poor and the middle class. The only time they like government is when they are able to steal from it. If the democrats are elected to the majority, I hope they have learned how not to act from the republicans or many will suffer the same fate. And if the 2 parties continue with the behaviour we are seeing now, the field will be ripe for a third party. So get smart and start treating the workers who are the backbone of this country right!
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Without a doubt, we are involved in a constitutional crisis. We have a president who has broken the law and continues to do so. When representatives and senators are asked about the president spying on americans without a warrant, they hem and haw and don't agree that he is breaking the law or they don't know enough about it to make a decision. Then there are the ones who want to wait for the results of an investigation, while the chair of the senatorial intelligence committee is saying there will be no investigation! Finally one ethical senator steps forward and wants the president censured for his actions and he's called unpatriotic, helping the terrorists, and anything else the cowards can think of to denigrate him. Something is very wrong here! Bush has divided this country so much, nobody knows what patriotism is anymore.I say patriotism is Senator Russ Feingold, Rep. John Murtha, and the whistleblower who divulged the criminal NSA spying by the president. We have a president whose policies stem from lies and more lies. The democrats must demonstrate to the american people that they are their champions and how their policies differ from the republicans. The american people want and need an alternative to the republicans. The democrats must show them they are that alternative and not a party of wimps. That is done by declaring what their policies are and standing FIRMLY behind them.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Could it be possible that americans are getting wise to Bush and the republicans? If they don't, Bush will sell our country out from under us. I am learning about how many secretive operations go on in our country. It's scary! I've never heard the word secret so much. It makes me wonder what else is going on.
The United States is a great country. A country to be proud of. The people in charge right now do nothing to be proud of and need to be removed from office. In order to this, the congress must be elected democratic. I do believe this is possible and absolutely necessary. The republicans have chosen party over country. A choice they will come to regret. The republicans have done no oversight putting our country at risk. What good is a party if there is no more constitution. Power and greed have overtaken the republicans and destroyed their love of the constitution. It is get what you can and don't worry about how it affects your children and what kind of a country you leave them. The republicans have chosen corruption over honor and duty. God help america!
The United States is a great country. A country to be proud of. The people in charge right now do nothing to be proud of and need to be removed from office. In order to this, the congress must be elected democratic. I do believe this is possible and absolutely necessary. The republicans have chosen party over country. A choice they will come to regret. The republicans have done no oversight putting our country at risk. What good is a party if there is no more constitution. Power and greed have overtaken the republicans and destroyed their love of the constitution. It is get what you can and don't worry about how it affects your children and what kind of a country you leave them. The republicans have chosen corruption over honor and duty. God help america!
Sunday, January 29, 2006
I think I should take a brake from the sunday political talk shows. I only wind up yelling at the tv. I would like to recommend an article in The Nation magazine titled "The Impeachment of George W. Bush" by Elizabeth Holtzman a former member of the House Judiciary Committee during the Nixon impeachment proceedings. In the article she said something very interesting. She said the president is Commander-In-Chief of the military, not Commander-In-Chief of the country. I had never thought about that distinction. There is no doubt in my mind that President George W. Bush has broken the law I don't care how much they spin it. Also, a poll asking the american people if they would give up some civil rights if it made them safer. More than half the people said yes. How easily they give up their rights while soldiers are dying fighting for those very civil rights. It is ironic and a travesty at the same time. The government says they are only listening to people talking to Al Qaeda. If they know this to be true, why aren't there more arrests? There aren't more arrests because this is a LIE. Let's face it, they are listening to people they shouldn't be listening to, like the democrats. There would be no warrant if that were the reason, therefore skip the warrants. It's not complicated. This is the most secret government we have ever had. Even more than Nixon! WAKE UP AMERICA. THEY ARE STEALING OUR COUNTRY!
Thursday, January 26, 2006
I am amazed with President Bush's luck. No matter how much he lies, he gets away with it. I keep praying the lies catch up with him, but so far no results. You would think with the lying he does, someone would call him to task on some of them. What we need is a White House press corps with courage. Are they afraid of some kind of retaliation? Yes, that could happen. But someone needs to take a chance and ask the hard questions that they know he's been lying about. Of course it doesn't help that the media is owned by a few and there is hardly any competition. This country is in very big trouble and I think a lot of people know this. What are we to do to stop the greed, corruption, and lies that dominate Washington? We are in desparate need of a leader. We need a leader who will follow his beliefs no matter what. Do you know of anyone?
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Things have heated up in Washington since I last wrote. The Bush administration has a lot of explaining to do. That's what happens when you break laws. Little King George is finally being seen for who he is. He is a liar who cares about nothing but his own little world which is starting to crumble. IMPEACH BUSH! Those two words go well together. If anyone deserves to be impeached, it is George W. Bush. His entire presidency is one lie after another. I believe the american people are starting to wake up about him and his cronies. What he and the republicans are doing to our democracy is a disgrace and defies the constitution. Only Bush would think he could ignore the constitution and make his own laws. What arrogance! Now let's talk about Dick Cheney. Every time he opens his mouth he lies. One lie after another. When the truth is put in front of him, he continues to lie. I do believe he has forgotten how to tell the truth. The congress/Abramoff scandal is going to blow the roof off the capitol and well it should. The Culture of Corruption has been exposed and it is ugly!
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