Sunday, July 02, 2006

Today is July 2, 2006. The Supreme Court has put a wrinkle in the way Bush and his cronies do business. It's about time they were held accountable. Bush thinks he can do whatever he wants because we are at war. No one is above the law whether we are at war or not. The rule of war still prevails. Our democracy is really being tested. So far it hasn't done very well. One party with complete power is no good either. The caliber of the politician in Washington is a disgrace. The place needs to be cleaned out!!! I can't think of one thing that has been done for the middleclass or poor american by this administration or congress. A lot of americans don't see what is going on. They're too busy working or doing their chores to take care of their families. No matter who is in power, they will take care of national security. I actually think the democrats would do a better job. they aren't playing that shill came Bush plays. Tax cuts for the rich and cuts on the social programs and the rest on the deficit. It's really not clever but it does keep americans confused about what is going on. The Bush administration is doing a very, very good job!!!

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