Tuesday, July 04, 2006

This Bush regime is getting scarier by the day. It has cut 2 million dollars from the EPA budget to eliminate its library services. I feel like I'm living George orwell's book "1984". If the Democrats don't win the 2006 election, this country is in for even bigger problems. There is nothing these people won't do. NOTHING!
The latest Supreme Court decision put Bush in his place, finally! He was told Guantanamo prisoners must be treated according to the Geneva Convention. You remember the Geneva Convention, don't you? Bush and his neocons behavior has been illegal and despicable. History will not look kindly on George W. Bush and it shouldn't. He's been a disgrace representing this country. I hope we can get more people involved in impeaching him. He really needs to be held accountable for his behaviour. I truly hope the american people have had enough of these neocons and elect democrats. They really are the only choice we have. I'd like to throw a bunch of them out too. All these politicians think about themselves first and the rest of us 99th. Maybe, just maybe, the democrats will learn something from this. I don't think they learned anything from Newt Gingrich's Contract with America in 1994. I know republicans align themselves with big business usually, but the Bush regime has been over the top. They really need to go.

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