Friday, December 14, 2007

I must get this off my chest. The Democrats have got to be the most ignorant or foolish bunch I have ever seen. They are letting Bush make fools out of them. Do either of the leaders have any backbone? What about the american people? In one breath we are told Bush needs billions for his war and then we hear $31 million has been paid out for something in Iraq that never happened.
It is so distressing!!! Sometimes I get so upset I can't keep two thoughts together. And I truly feel powerless!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

I have not been using my blog for a couple of months. What is going on is just what I thought would happen, though not this soon. Bush and his cronies are beginning to be exposed. We, the american public, are beginning to see/hear the criminal behavior by this administration. I am one american who doesn't want to give up one civil right to be "safe". Without a doubt, Bush has been stepping on the Constitution and ignoring the rule of law. The secrecy of this administration is scarier than the terrorists. We are in the middle of a presidential race. Right now of the Democrats, It is between H. Clinton and B. Obama. I really don't care who wins the primary as long as it is a Democrat. 23 Republicans in Congress are not going to run again. What do they know that we don't?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Although I haven't written in awhile, I have stayed informed. Like many people out there, I am very disappointed in the Democrats. I just don't know what they are doing. Why don't they end this god forsaken war. They can do it by pulling back on the purse strings. Americans, at least a lot of americans, want this war over. The Democrats will be in a much better place when it comes to the elections. Why don't they see this, or do they? If they do, then what are they up to?"

Monday, October 08, 2007

Mr. Bush's true colors are showing more and more. The compassionate conservative doesn't care about children or he would have made his statement as a "fiscal" conservative on another bill and not SCHIP. He is so stupid and mean-spirited. His karma will get to him someday. I hope I will be able to see it happen. He has had to replace quite a few people in his administration so far.
The man is so stubborn he can't see the forest for the trees. I talk to people everyday and when I wear my sweatshirt that says "Bush lied. Thousands died. Impeach" people are totally disgusted with him and can't wait for his term to be over. Neither can I!!!!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

I'm afraid the Democrats are blowing it. They are in charge, but you would never know it. If they would stick together about the war and do what the people want, such as, GET OUT OF IRAQ, The people would be behind them 100%. Why don't they see this? I was talking to my sister last week about security, civil rights, and the war. I told her I'm horrified about the war and our civil rights being taken from us one at a time. She proceeded to say she doesn't care about her civil rights as long as she is safe. I told her we can be safe and still have our civil rights.
It wasn't an either or situation. She said she didn't care as long as she was safe. I could hardly believe what I was hearing. My sister is the type of person the Republicans can put the fear of god in. I must realize there are many of my sisters out there.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Well, Karl Rove is the next to go. He was a protege of Lee Atwater who died from cancer fairly young and asked for forgiveness on his dying bed from all the people he hurt playing dirty tricks in political campaigns. Lee Atwater's legacy is how Karl Rove has conducted himself. Rove, Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld. What a disgusting crew! Thank God presidents can only stay in office for 2 terms. Imagine what this country would be like if Bush could stay another term? The thought is positively revolting. On 8/25, there will be a march at Kennebunkport against the war. The people who coordinated this event have invited antiwar people, environmental activists, Progressives and other organisations that are against the war in Iraq.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Not long after we went to Afghanistan and defeated the Taliban, the Afghan army was started and from what I know it seems to be a success. So now I ask why is this not happening in Iraq? The sectarian violence is causing this problem, mainly, not Al Qaeda as Bush is so fond of saying. The man needs to choke on his words. So many lies come out of his mouth it's unreal. My latest read is "Hubris" by Michael Isikoff and David Corn. I've read about one quarter of it so far and it's very informative. Donald Rumsfeld was a terrible Secretary of Defense. I don't know who made the worst decisions, him, Bush, or Cheney.
The Republicans have the Democrats on the run by constantly saying the Democrats are doing nothing when it's the Republicans who are using the filibuster to stop the votes on bills. The Democrats must get this information out there so the people know what is really going on.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

I have a good feeling something is going to happen to put the Bush regime on notice that the party is over. It's time to pay the piper. The Republicans are still trying to protect Bush instead of doing what is right for the country. I don't know if any of these politicians do what's right for the country first and party second. That sounds so naive. Isn't it every person for themselves? What is happening to this wonderful country? Will we be able to save it?

Monday, July 23, 2007

Right now the CNN/YouTube debate is on the TV. Many good questions are being asked. The democrats are being pelted with question about why they haven't ended the war in Iraq. The democrats could easily end the war by refusing to fund it. Otherwise they aren't easily able to pass legislation to end the war while the republicans are playing obstructionists and not allowing an up or down vote on the bill. I don't think a lot of american people understand this. The democrats need to get this information out there to the public. Bush has told the Justice Dept. not to allow the subpoenas issued by the committees under the guise of "executive priviledge". The criminal Attorney General Gonsalves will do whatever Bush says, no matter what. Bush and cronies have made a mockery or our laws and are getting away with it. This is what I don't understand. How they are able to get away with this behavior. Senator Feingold is going to introduce a censure of the president and vice president again. He introduced one about a year ago and it went nowhere. I would much rather see impeachment proceedings started. I know I'm dreaming, but you never know.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Well Libby's sentence was commuted by Bush. What a surprise! Before Bush leaves office, he'll be pardoned. He did a good job as their fallguy. The Republicans are stopping an up or down vote on the Levin-Reed bill that will bring the troops home by April 2008. This bill sounds good to me. The Republicans are not interested in bringing the troops home.

Everyone knows that Bush and Cheney are breaking the law every chance they get. And no one is doing anything about it. By that I mean congress is doing nothing to bring these men to justice.
I just don't understand it! Now Bush is going to veto a bill that continues to insure children who otherwise would not be insured. Why would he do something as uncompassionate as that. I want to see Bush be held accountable and I pray for it every day.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

I don't like what is happening to my country. It's becoming unrecognizable. Who do you believe? They all lie so much! I think the 2008 election is the one so far that a third party candidate stands a chance. The country is disgusted with both parties, more than they realize.

I am a delegate for Unity08. It is an up and coming new Progressive party.

Scooter Libby 's sentence was commuted today. I think they were afraid if Libby went to jail he would really start talking. Bush and Cheney couldn't let that happen. Bush's terms in office have been a disgrace! Even many conservatives are fed up with him. Let's hope many Republicans go down with him.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

It is very sad to start the day hearing about more young people dying in Iraq. Bush has been a disgrace and a liar since he took office. Iraq is using us like we are morons. The Iraqis have more on the ball than us. The lies have destroyed our moral authority in the world. We, as a nation have lost some of our very precious civil rights, such as habeas corpus. Cheney has been a war monger right from the start. He had a lot of nerve speaking at the West Point graduation when he took 5 deferments when there was a draft for Vietnam. He is definitely Darth Cheney. He is probably the most disli8ked american in the country. Certainly the most immoral. I'm all for the Cheney impeachment movement. Somehow or other Bush and Cheney must be held accountable for their lies and immoral decisions.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I don't understand what the Democrats are doing. It looks as if they are letting Bush run the show again instead of doing what the American people elected them to do.
The Democrats need to show some backbone now and stop worrying about their patriotism. It is patriotic to bring the troops home and get them out of that mess there. Iraq is Bush's mess and not one more American or Iraqi needs to die because of his stupidity and hubris. If the Democrats don't stop this war, who will?

Sunday, May 20, 2007

This country is in need of some very big changes. The Bush administration and the Republican Party have caused great harm to this country. My heart cries at our losses and I pray organizations such as Unity 08 will be able to repair the damage. I'm not sure I understand what the Democrats are doing. But I know they need to come on stronger than they have been. They are in charge and I hope they know it! Rev. Jerry Falwell died this week. I think he's in for a surprise at the gate to heaven. He has done some very mean, unchristian things during his life. May God rest his soul.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I haven't been writing lately because I really haven't had anything to say. I'm reading Peter Bergen's book "Holy War, Inc." So far it's pretty good. Peter Bergen is quite knowledgeable about Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden is another one of those rich and righteous people who believes everything he does is right and good. How can killing children and civilians possibly be the right thing to do. It just doesn't make sense. I don't know anything about the Qoran, but I find it hard to believe that it tells its believers to kill children. And if it does, what kind of a holy book is that? Not one that I would ever follow.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Every day is one more day towards the end of Bush's term. I just hope we can keep him from doing anything that would hurt this country anymore than he already has. The dying in Iraq just hasn't let up. So many civilians killed every day. Men, women, and children are shot or blown up. No one is spared! How will Bush be made accountable for this war? I don't see it happening. The Democrats certainly won't hold him accountable and I don't understand why not. I'm beginning to think that the president has too much power and needs to be downsized. Bush, of course, thought the presidency needed more power and he's been on a powergrab ever since he took office.

I found a new gay sight called soulforce. It's a very informative site. Right now they have a couple of "equality" buses touring college campuses around the country. Some of the campuses will not let them come on campus and send the police to make sure that these homosexuals don't step one foot on their property. Unbelievable!!!
It truly is hard to believe that people behave this way still. Something must be the matter with me. I just don't want to accept the way some people are. That's why I keep getting hurt!

Monday, March 05, 2007

The presidential race has started already. I would love to see a Clinton/Obama ticket. I doubt if that would happen, but it sounds like a winner to me. Seymour Hersh just wrote an article for the New Yorker magazine. I don't know where he gets his information, but he always has bombshells to drop. Is the Bush administration providing money to Al Qaeda thru the Sunnis in Lebanon? That is what he had to say this time. His article is titled "Redirection". I'm also reading Fiasco by Thomas Ricks. Great book!!!

The Democrats are trying to do what they think the people want as of the Nov. election. It may not be exactly what people want, but you can't please everyone at the same time. Bush is being his usual obnoxious self thinking he's calling all the shots. Well he's not!! Iraq is such a mess. I feel so sorry for those people. They don't deserve this because of one man, Saddam Hussein. I hate that all this death is done in my name.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I've been on hiatus due to a surgery I needed to have. The Democrats in the house are moving right along with its agenda. The only thing I have a problem with is when they plan on bringing the troops home. They have no choice and they know it.

This post was started on 2/14/07 and it is now 2/24/07. It has been a tough time since my surgery but things are much better. I've come to the conclusion that I have to quit smoking. I've been having some very bad breathing problems. The doctor even thought I might have a pulmonary embolism and tried to keep me in the hospital. I wouldn't stay and I lucked out and nothing happened. The diagnosis was no blot clot. Thank you God!

There's a lot of politics happening. Bush and Cheney are up to their same old stuff-lies, lies, and more lies. They are trying to stir things up with Iran. Iraq is very bad with no end in sight. The impeachment process is gaining momentum, finally. These two guys have got to go. They are dangerous! We're not cowards and we're not quitters. We want to do what is right and that is giving the Iraqis back their country. No more deaths! No more children killed, maimed, or made orphans. Before the war started, the military said the worst scenario would be door to door fighting in Baghdad. That is just what we are doing. We have made one big mess in Iraq. I say we because it was done in my name as well. The shame I feel is overwhelming. The just thing to do is to impeach Bush and Cheney and give the Iraqi's back their country, NOW!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Tomorrow night the president will unveil his long-awaited plan to get out of Iraq victoriously, what ever that means. The Democrats need to stand up and do what we elected them to do, and that's get out of Iraq in the very near future. I hope they don't disappoint us. The president has lied so much it is hard to believe anything he says. He's done this surge business 2 or 3 times already and it didn't work. I would like to know what has changed.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

It's been awhile since I've written because I haven't been able to access my site. As you can see I've finally figured it out. Lots of things have happened. Pelosi is Speaker of the House. The Democrats are going in full force. It is such a delight to see! Bush still hasn't announced his new strategy for Iraq. Now this is the guy who has claimed to have had an exit plan all along. Imagine that! The man is such a liar. The impeachment movement is gaining momentum finally. I have a sweatshirt that says "Bush lied. Thousands died." I wear it all the time. Maybe it will get some people thinking. Bush is still breaking the law every chance he gets. Nancy Pelosi says impeachment is off the table. She needs to be reminded of her responsibility to hold the president and his cronies accountable. It is not a matter of choice. It is a matter of law. I know I have no doubt that the president has committed high crimes and misdemeanors. You don't have to be a lawyer to know that.