It is finally happening. The corrupt, incompetent republicans are getting what they deserve. I love that word "indictment". Tom Delay is one nasty person whose corruption is finally catching up with him.The democrats have had their share of corruption. That's how the republicans got in. Now it's their turn. There never seems to be enough money for any of them. The best part is the republicans hide behind religion and uses it to advance their agenda to crush the middle class and poor of this country. We have no representation in congress. The democrats, who at one time did represent us, have become powerless and don't seem to know how to lead anymore. It is very sad to see! If the republicans aren't beaten, this country will no longer be recognized as the leader of the world who uses its power for good, not evil. The rest of the world is very disappointed with us and with good reason.
I'm ashamed of our reputation as a bully and a torturer. Imagine, the US is known to torture people. I never would have believed it. It seems that no one is accountable for anything. This must change!
Monday, October 03, 2005
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
To my amazement the more Bush steps on the american middle class and poor the more they love him. The poor in New Orleans lost everything, including some lives, and what is Bush's first executive order? He makes sure that if they are hired for the reconstruction, they will not make a decent salary. He's just one loving, compassionate conservative, don't you think? The democrats need to find some way to stop this from happening.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
I've been watching Cindy Sheehan on the news and have decided she is a born leader! President Bush has missed a great opportunity by not speaking with her. It is the same old story with Bush--he thinks he doesn't owe an explanation to anyone for his conduct. Mix that with some old fashioned fear, and you have a natural born coward. Because of his fear, he continues to send young people to war. His reasoning is that if we leave now those who have died will have died for nothing. The soldiers who are in Iraq are fighting there in good faith for a government that has done nothing but lie about this war. To those americans who still stand behind Bush for whatever reason I say to you please open your eyes and ears. We, who see Bush for the liar he is, are as patriotic as any other american and support the troops as well as any other american. The evangelical religious right needs to get off its high horse and behave like christians, and I don't mean Pat Robertson. He is a total disgrace. The government is lying and stealing from all of us. The congress is in bed with the administration and not avoid its own responsibilities. We the people have no voice in this government, but it's our own fault for putting these gangsters in office. Will we do the same thing in 2006?
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
How will I live through the rest of Bush's second term. I can't even stand to look at him. The man has no character. That is showing more and more. Why won't he meet with Cindy Sheehan? What could the reason be? FEAR! He won't have a script and she is not of the same opinion as him. My dear president is shameless.
How long is he going to let Iraq continue the way it is going? Those poor people are being killed everyday. And so are our troops. They are being picked off at the insurgents mercy. Will a constitution end this madness? Absolutely not! Will bringing our troops home solve this problem? Better chance this will work. Dear god, please talk to our president and tell the moron what to do.
How long is he going to let Iraq continue the way it is going? Those poor people are being killed everyday. And so are our troops. They are being picked off at the insurgents mercy. Will a constitution end this madness? Absolutely not! Will bringing our troops home solve this problem? Better chance this will work. Dear god, please talk to our president and tell the moron what to do.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
At present, I am reading a report by the Human Rights Watch, vol. 17, and I am horrified at how many human rights are being violated by my government. If I told you people were arrested, and then disappeared, what country do you think I would be talking about? What if I told you people were kept incommunicado, not allowed any kind of advocate and tortured as well? What country would you think I was talking about? Meet the new United States of America! I have always loved my country and have been very proud to be an american, but what my government is doing, in the guise of national security, makes me very sad and ashamed to be an american. I believe the government can accomplish what it needs to do without throwing away the civil liberties and freedoms we have been so proud of and enjoyed. The government espouses freedom, liberty, and justice for all, but seems to have forgotten what they mean.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Democratic party, where are you when we desperately need your voice? I've heard many complaints about you--like what do you stand for--like what is your platform? Why are people so confused about where you stand? Did the party make a deal about Christopher Cox and the SEC? Cox is a terrible choice to head the SEC. But I'm sure you know that! Don't forget to stay focused on Rove. Getting rid of him is a heavenly thought.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
The supreme court nominee has been chosen and seems like it is just a matter of a vote. Already both sides are saying-no filibuster! Sometimes the democrats confuse the hell out of me. I can see why some people are confused about where they stand. I know I do. Everything seems like such a game, even about life and death situations. I do believe if they try to overturn Roe v. Wade there will be a revolution in this country. The direction this country is going in is extremely worrisome. The role the press has taken is very disappointing. The press is either lazy or fearful. So many lies are being told and the press just repeats them even when the research tells them otherwise.
It does appear that the government's patriotism is lacking and party affiliation means more than country. Rove should have be out of a job whether he committed a crime or not. Why doesn't our president see that? Is his friendship with Rove more important than our national security?
It does appear that the government's patriotism is lacking and party affiliation means more than country. Rove should have be out of a job whether he committed a crime or not. Why doesn't our president see that? Is his friendship with Rove more important than our national security?
Sunday, July 17, 2005
It is with great frustation I write today. When I turn the tv or radio on, It is difficult to listen to the barage of lies from the republicans and the democrats. I really have less patience with the republican's lies because they are in power and have lied since day one. These liars do whatever they can to confuse the american people who are trying to live their lives everyday and that keeps them plenty busy. The liars have lots of time to connive, distort, and outright lie about what the government is doing and why it is doing what it is doing. Even something as serious as war, a life and death matter, they still don't really know why they are fighting and dying. In all fairness and decency, shouldn't they know why they are really fighting and dying? I THINK SO!
Thursday, July 14, 2005
The republicans are out in full force doing damage control for Karl Rove. They are up against Joe Wilson who is respected and not afraid of the white house. The slash and burn dirty politics of Bush, Rove, and sidekicks has finally started to catch up with them, thank God. The policies Bush has been putting in place have been so harmful to this great country and all of us in it. The rich have become richer and the poor have become poorer. I don't understand why the less fortunate continue to believe that Bush cares about them and wants to improve their lives. I know he is a very good salesman, but continually, he says one thing and does another. Look at the No Child Left Behind bill. The president pushes it, signs it, and then doen't fully fund it. How about the prescription bill that was passed. It was a pharmaceutical giveaway. The law states that the government must pay the price the pharmaceutical company sets. To me, this is insane. This bill doesn't help us! Now the drug companies have changed the amount of drugs they will export to Canada so that we can no longer buy it from there. Who is there to help us, the poor, lonely citizen? NO ONE!!!
Saturday, July 09, 2005
When I hear Karl Rove's name it makes my blood boil. He is such a liar!!! And no one calls him on it. Where the hell is the press? The man doesn't know the truth if it slapped him in the face. And yet it seems he has so many admirers. Something is very wrong if this is true. If he is one of the sources in the Valerie Plame case, then he should be arrested because he committed a crime. Rove must have been one of Lee Atwater's proteges. Lee Atwater wound up asking for forgiveness on his deathbed. Rove won't give any interviews. I wonder why. The man is dispicable and will pay one day for his behaviour!
Thursday, July 07, 2005
If the progressives and democrats are going to turn things around, they are going to have to get some backbone. Freedom has its price. It is not for free! It is a wonderful gift our forefathers gave us. Make no mistake, some are trying to take it from us. People with power and the evangelical right are hard at work conniving to steal this precious gift, a little at a time. But it is happening.
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