Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I just read Senator Jack Reed's statement, read on the senate floor, on the repeal of the Estate Tax. He is the caring and thoughtful person I thought he was. I am very proud to have him for a senator. There are very few like him around these days. He hasn't forgotten about the little guy. Why is it that too many times the good guys come in last. I have been reading about what went on in Ohio in the 2004 election. Votes were stolen or stifled in so many sneaky, ruthless, and dishonest ways. People like Karl Rove, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, and I could go on are liars, mean-spirited, ruthless, and will do anything to win. They care nothing about the little guy who struggles everyday just to feed and cloth his/her family. The very people government is supposed to help, get no help.

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