Sunday, March 26, 2006

The democrats need to stand up and fight. Now is the time. No matter what the democrats do, they must always remember the republicans will do anything to win. Karl Rove was a protege of the infamous Lee Atwater who was as cruel as you find them. I myself would not be proud of that but I guess Rove liked what he taught. The dirty tricks that were played on McCain and Cleland in the 2000 election were right out of Atwater's bag of tricks. How McCain could stand next to president Bush and campaign for him is something I will never understand. McCain put his desire to be president before his family good name. It's time to get those republicans out of office. They have done a lousy job for the poor and the middle class. The only time they like government is when they are able to steal from it. If the democrats are elected to the majority, I hope they have learned how not to act from the republicans or many will suffer the same fate. And if the 2 parties continue with the behaviour we are seeing now, the field will be ripe for a third party. So get smart and start treating the workers who are the backbone of this country right!

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