Thursday, July 14, 2005

The republicans are out in full force doing damage control for Karl Rove. They are up against Joe Wilson who is respected and not afraid of the white house. The slash and burn dirty politics of Bush, Rove, and sidekicks has finally started to catch up with them, thank God. The policies Bush has been putting in place have been so harmful to this great country and all of us in it. The rich have become richer and the poor have become poorer. I don't understand why the less fortunate continue to believe that Bush cares about them and wants to improve their lives. I know he is a very good salesman, but continually, he says one thing and does another. Look at the No Child Left Behind bill. The president pushes it, signs it, and then doen't fully fund it. How about the prescription bill that was passed. It was a pharmaceutical giveaway. The law states that the government must pay the price the pharmaceutical company sets. To me, this is insane. This bill doesn't help us! Now the drug companies have changed the amount of drugs they will export to Canada so that we can no longer buy it from there. Who is there to help us, the poor, lonely citizen? NO ONE!!!

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